17 November 2009

Scarrrry Halloween Pictures

We had a pre-halloween snow storm (ugh), so the kids made mom get out all their snow clothes so they could traipse in the inch of snow.

Nina was very excited about Halloween this year. This is the outfit she wore to all her parties and trick-or-treating. At first she was going to be a princess, but then she decided to be a witch.

Symonie: "Nina, why are you standing like that?"
Nina: "Because it looks good."

Satch was less excited about dressing up. After many false tries we put him in black, painted his face and he went as a "scary wobber".

Here they are standing still and not torturing each other. So we had to take a picture. Grandma please note the ever present white bear. At least it used to be white.

And this is the scariest photo of all. Needless to say we couldn't find a costume small enough.


Joel said...


Sarita said...

How exciting, congrats!

jennie said...

Matt and Sym we are SO excited for you! when are you due? Don't worry about that lack of sleep thing - after 18 or so years you kind of get used to it :)
We love you!

The Wi Family said...

So exciting!!!! Congratulations!!! Great Halloween pics too!

house of harris said...

Grandpa said to tell you guys that he could not have asked for a sweeter birthday present, and 30 has always been a favorite number of his.
Our love and happiness go out to you both.
Grandpa and Grandma Harris

Anonymous said...

WAHOOO!!! Oh, I'm so very very happy for you guys! You are such wonderful parents:) Congrats!!