20 September 2008

Good Clean Fun @ The Y.

We had a big food fight last weekend with a bunch of friends from the ward. Last year my room mates and I hosted a cake fight, but this year we mixed up foul concoctions of: flour, water, food coloring, jello, mustard, stewed tomatoes, and pineapple chunks. 


Matt said...

In my day... we couldn't just fling around the precious food we'd harvested for the winter! We knew snow would be coming soon. And it would last 9 months and be 20 feet tall and we'd walk to school in it up hill both ways...
Naw, I'm just mad I never did that. looks like fun.

symonie said...

Disgusting, but fun!

house of harris said...

I don't know, from the looks of you guys it looks like you all probably did 20 or more years ago sitting in your highchairs learning how to eat. I guess what goes around comes around. I'm glad you are having fun along with all the hours I'm sure you put in studying. Love you, G & G Harris