03 December 2009

The ultrasound shows . . .

. . . we're having a BOY! Very definitely. No doubt about it.

Nina was disappointed because she really wanted a sister, but she's already getting used to the idea of being harassed by another brother.

At my first doctor's visit they said the due date was April 25, but the ultrasound showed me a week ahead, due April 16. With the other two kids it was the same way. So, if this delivery is like the others, he'll come around April 18th or 20th.

The ultrasounds now are incredibly clear. A lot has changed in the last few years. We even saw some 3-D images of the baby. He was moving all over the place and kept putting his hands up to his face--so sweet. At one point he had this little concerned look on his face and his eyebrows furrowed just like Satchel's.

And now we can start thinking about names . . .


jennie said...

That is so exciting!! Where are the pics of the little guy (and also of Thanksgiving :) and how appropriate that your newest tax deduction comes at tax time. Sarah's BD is the 15th of April and I am sure she would be happy to share that day. Tell Nina I understand how she feels - after all her daddy was SUPPOSED to be a sister too but now aren't we glad he wasn't!
Love ya all

house of harris said...

Yes, we are certainly glad that Jennie's last sister was a brother. That is exciting news, and Grandpa has already picked out the name...he is still pushing for Campbell, but you know whatever you name him we will love him to pieces. And just think he will be 7 months old by the time we see him. So, you know that means lots of pictures for all the faraway grandparents. Love you all, G&G Harris

The Wi Family said...

Congratulations!!! That is so exciting!