21 October 2009

Be grateful!

Last week as I was making my way through the Tulsa Airport, I noticed most of the foot traffic was stopped and the majority of people in the terminal were standing at the large windows on the East side of the terminal. So, despite being late for a meeting with the Boise State team, which was in town to play Tulsa, I stopped to see what was so interesting? I am glad I did. If you get the opportunity please rent the film, "Taking Chance", and remember this photo which I took standing alongside other grateful travelers. It was sad, but inspiring at the same time to see the care and honor they give these deserving soldiers making their final trip home. The precision of the honor guard, and the care in which they handle the casket was touching. And what really made it such an moving experience for me was watching all the ground crew, the pilots, baggage handlers and fellow passengers, like myself, who took just a few minutes to pause and pay our respect. All I could think about was some family was coming to the Tulsa Airport this day, and this was how they would have to welcome home their loved one.

Be grateful.


house of harris said...

Thank you dear for that touching commentary. We have so much to be thankful for and one of our blessings is that these young men and women are willing put their lives on the line so that we can enjoy the freedoms afforded us in our 'land of the free'.
I hope I never take that for granted.
Love Mom and Dad

jennie said...

Thanks for posting that Todd. What a touching experience that must have been!

Joel said...

Thanks for the post

The Wi Family said...

Beautiful! Thanks for sharing.