05 December 2007

Happy Birthday Grandma

It's Lady Di's Birthday. Feliz Cumpleanos. Not to make you feel too old but here's a little history lesson while we celebrate Grandma's 70th.
Major Events of 1937:
Golden Gate Bridge completed.
Count Basie's One O'Clock Jump is the #1 song.
China and Japan go to war.
The Hindenburg disaster.
Neville Chamberlain becomes British Prime Minister.
The Life of Emile Zola wins the Oscar for best picture.
A beautiful baby girl is born in Los Angeles
Happy Birthday!


symonie said...

Happy Birthday Mom! I wasn't home when Matt talked to you, but he said that Nina sang for you. :) Te mando un gran abrazo. Feliz Cumpleanos!

Kelsi said...

even though i'm a day late...HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDMA! love you and miss you.