09 July 2008

Oh, You didn't think that was funny. Try this!

A little old English lady was looking for a room in Switzerland. She asked the local village schoolmaster to help her. A place that suited her was finally found, and the woman returned to London for luggage. Then she remembered that she had not noticed a bathroom, or as she called it, a water closet. So she wrote to the schoolmaster. He was puzzled by the initials "W.C". Never dreaming that she was inquiring about a bathroom, he finally asked the parish priest, who decided that
W.C. stood for Wesleyan Church. The schoolmaster then replied"

Dear Madam,
The W.C. is situated 9 miles from the house in the center of a beautiful grove of trees. It is capable of holding 350 people at a time and is open each Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. A large number of folks attend duriing the summer, so it suggested you go early, especially on Thursday, when there is organ accompaniment. The accoustics are very good and everyone can hear the slightest sound.
You may be interested to know that my daughter met her husband and was married in our W.C.
We hope you will be here in time for our upcoming bazaar. The proceeds will go toward the purchase of plush seats, which the folks agree are a long-felt need, as the present seats all have holes in them.
My wife is rather delicate, therefore she cannot attend regularly. It has been six months since the last time she went. Naturally, it pains her very much not to be able to go more often.
I shall close now with the desire to accomodate you in every way possible. I will be happy to save you a seat down front or near the door, whichever you prefer.