09 July 2010

A Fairy Tale Proposal

Once upon a time there was a prince in the far away land of Bellevue who wanted to marry a princess….In another far away land named Costa Rica lived a princess who one day decided to move to Seattle…

One day they fell in love….

Karen and Richard

After dating for almost a year, the prince charming took the princess on a romantic night out…

The prince and the princes took a ride on a horse-drawn carriage through Seattle after the romantic dinner.

Then they stopped on this magical place at the water front, where they had their first date a long long time ago….

Then the prince took out a gorgeous ring…

And he kneeled and asked the princess: “would you be my wife?”

Then, the princess smiling said to her prince charming: yes my love!

Richard and Karen


house of harris said...

What a wonderful fairy tale and it is all true...and they will live happy ever after. Richard I am proud of you, you are almost as romantic as your grandpa.
We are excited for you both. We have another granddaughter in law to meet and hug when we get home.
Felicidades a nuestra nieta nueva. Con mucho amor
Grandpa and Grandma Harris

Stuart said...

Nice job, Rick. But I think you set the bar pretty high for Dan and your male cousins who have yet to propose.

jennie said...

Now someday we should hear the story from Mike Kayla and Daniel's perspective - they were the ones who transported all the balloons in the back of the truck (many escapees) and moved from location to location as plans 'modified' :)
well we are very excited to have another wonderful daughter in law join our family!

Sarita said...

Congrats! We are so happy for you two.

Toddy said...

Congratulations to the both of you! Lets us know the when and wheres!
Todd and Keri and family.