15 September 2010

Brigham Joins the Eagles Nest!

The Eagle has landed for Brigham. Complete with a live American Bald Eagle and a presentation of a flag flown over Washington DC, Brigham received his Eagle badge a few weeks back. He did the work on his own with little prodding from mom and dad and NO Captain Bly! (West Hills Ward old school humor).


house of harris said...

Again, congratulations dear Brigham. We are so proud of you and all the hard work you put in. You are setting such a good example for Tag as your older brothers did for you. And by the way, you seem to be getting more handsome with each picture we receive. Pretty soon you will be almost as handsome as your father.
We love you,
Grandpa and Grandma Harris

jennie said...

Kudos and congratulations Brigham!! That is a great accomplishment and to do it without parental prodding is amazing - in fact I did not even know that was allowed :)
Aunt Jennie