08 September 2010

School Days

Nina actually had two first days of school. The first one was a day for her to go up to school with her parents and meet the teacher and stay for just a short time to get the hang of things. She was nervous, but when it was over she said, "Now I know that kindergarten is not scary at all!"

The next week she got to start again, for real this time. It was a cold, rainy day, but that didn't matter. She was so excited ... couldn't wait for library, computer, music, and of course, recess!

Then it was Satchel's turn. He's going to the same preschool that Nina did, so it's familiar to him. He was really nonchalant about the whole thing. All he wanted to know is when his teacher was going to give him a sucker.

He loves his new backpack. Matt has a bunch of prop backpacks and he let Satchel have one. It's black and white with lightning bolts on it. Pretty cool.


house of harris said...

Great pictures. It is hard to believe that Nina is in school now. What a difference three years makes. We got a chuckle out of Satchel's pictures. He is certainly all boy and I think he has his Aunt Keri's sweet tooth. Thanks again for keeping us in the loop.
We will see you soon. Love you all. Grandma and Grandpa Harris

Sarita said...

Wow they are looking so big. And I am glad that kindergarten is not scary at all.

jennie said...

I am glad Nina is so brave - I remember sending my first off to Kindergarten - it might not have been scary for him but it sure was for me :)
Your family is getting so big and they are so cute!

Joel said...
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Joel said...

But I also remeber that for some of your other kids it was scary.

Nina congrats on starting school.