20 May 2009

A Day in the Life of.......Part 3

In answer to public demand [Thanks Sym for reminding me}I will now enter the second part of A Day in the Life of... Part 3. Even though this is only the second one it is Part 3 because Part 1 is lost in Cyber Space.
Today we will learn about Martes [Tuesday]. This is a different day than Monday because the temple is open on this day. So we have three choices: we are either unassigned this day, which means we are not over working on a shift, but it does not mean we are not in the temple. Because we do not have an assignment this day we go over and go on an endowment session; usually in the morning. And sometimes we are the only ones on that session, sometimes we have a few others with us.
Now, the other choices are that we work on the AM shift, which means we set the alarm for 6:00 AM. Dad goes over about 7:00 so he can turn on all the lights and get things ready for our 8:00 AM prayer meeting with the workers. I go over about 7:15. We have our prayer meeting and we are usually the ones who prepare a training session for the workers. The interesting thing is that even though the workers know the meeting starts at 8:00, due to the difficult travel they have to go through many are not here until after the meeting is over or later. Some mornings Dad will only have 3-4 priesthood brethren there. There are many more sister workers than brothers mainly because retirement is not an option here and so most men just can't take a day off of work. Then we assist in many ways to make sure that the three sessions that are held on the AM shift go on: 8:30, 9:30 and 10:30. Some weekday mornings we will end up having only one session with mainly workers on it. So we might do 10-15 endowments all morning long. We are usually through by 12:30 or 1:00, home and then a nice nap as we are old people and that is what young and old people do.
The third choice on Martes is to work the PM shift. The Dad will go over around 3:30 to again set up everything. I will go over shortly after. Prayer meeting for the workers is 4:30. We then have sessions at 5:15, 5:45, 6:30 and 7:00. It used to be that we had an 8:00 session but that put our sister workers out on the streets going home too late as some of them live in unsafe neighborhoods and even the taxi's won't go there after dark. We will stay to shut down and usually come home about 9:00. We seem to have better attendance in the evening than in the morning. Some weeks are just a lot slower than others.
One of the things I love to do most of all is to be the last one in the Celestial Room. I will stand by the door and open it for the patrons as they leave. Then slowly walk around the room turning off the lights. I love that room when it is quiet and all are gone. But I must add that this particular room is one of the most reverant in the whole temple. People here DO NOT TALK in that room. They come in, bow their heads and ponder or silently pray. I absolutely love it.


symonie said...

Thanks Mom! Sounds like los martes son dias super bonitos, no importa el horario.