04 May 2009

The Wedding

Here are just a few photos from Joel and Sarah's reception. Everyone was taking pictures and video, so don't let this stop anyone else from posting.  The reception was a lot of fun and looked great.  Kudos to Joel and Sarah and Jenny and Joel Sr  and everyone else who put it together.  

We wanted a picture of Joel and Satch together, first because Satchel loves Joel (he saw Joel wearing the hat and said, "I want a hat!") Second, we wanted them together because Joel is the oldest grandchild and Satchel is the youngest. 

Here they are at the reception, looking lovely.  The building was an old house that had been converted into a yoga studio.  Mike impressed us all with his "downward dog".

All the treats at the reception followed the blue and yellow color scheme, and here is Nina showing off her favorite -- blue cotton candy.  The kids were in heaven with all the candy and treats.  Keri was pretty happy too.

Here's Jenny, "giddy" with laughter at the idea of doing this all over again in a couple of months.  Sue is offering counseling and medication.

Stuey showing Matty how the A carbo loads before a race.  Again, it was fun and congrats to Joel and Sarah.  It was fun to see the Mellor clan.  We missed you Grandma and Grandpa, but hopefully you are getting lots of photos and stories.


Stuart said...

Thanks to Matt and Sym for letting so many people invade their basement. And I didn't know Mike was doing a downward dog yoga position--I thought he had simply eaten too much cotton candy.

jennie said...

Ditto that! You guys are wonderful for letting not only Joel but Rick Mile and Kayla crash at your place too!Thanks also Matt for stepping in to return the cotton candy machine - were you able to use it first??

house of harris said...

Oh Sym, thank you so very much for those darling pictures. I am going to frame the one of our oldest and youngest grandchildren. What a great touch and very thoughtful of faraway grandparents. Now hopefully the day will come soon when I can sit and look at them without a tear of two. You all look so great. Love you all, Mom

symonie said...

Everything got returned hunky dory. They even credited back for the unused cotton candy. Now to talk to Joel and Sarah about the keys they left us...