14 August 2008

Todd Talks Cheese on National Television

Here's a link to an interview that Todd did. At the end he worked in a "cheese" reference. Nice work. But mentioning cheese in the context of an interview with someone from Wisconsin? Not much challenge there. Next time try to work in "cheese," "Larry" and "corn." You're a professional, Todd. I think you're up to it.



house of harris said...

What fun. Thanks Stuart. Dad and I just got through watching it. Boy, Todd you are looking really sharp. And, Keri, what a great looking haircut. Todd, you are getting almost as handsome as your father.
Please, don't work in those other words. Cheese was plenty. But that is a mother's viewpoint. I'm sure Mike and Matt will have something else to say. Love you guys, Mom

Matt said...

Toddy you are a legend. That even beats Mike working cheese into a testimony.