19 March 2008

Going to the Dominican Republic?

I may have told some of you but for those I have not, it looks like I will be visiting Big D and Lady Di in Santo Domingo on April 6th. I have an event in Miami and its less than a 2 hour flight to Santo Domingo so I think I will be flying there on Sunday the 6th and staying for a few days. I would be willing to take some pictures or letters if you want to send them to me. I talked to Mom and Dad and they said there were a few items they would like from the condo but nothing big. I am flying into Portland next week for the day and may swing by the condo to retrieve a book or photo for them. Let me know if you have anything that is not too big or heavy. Please no illegal contraband as I have no desire of "doing time" in the Dom. Rep.!

Hope all is well with you and yours.
ps. Enjoy my stylings in the greatest snow on earth!


Stuart said...

Todd, is the picture from a "work" day or a "day off"? I suspect you often cannot distinguish a difference between the two, so ask Keri. She'll probably know.